◎ 青銅展示區 (Room 36-39)
◎ 幾何時期
左下角的八字線圈扣衣針fibula,來自馬其頓,西元前8世紀-7世紀。在Macedonia, Epirus, Central Greece 和 Peloponnese的墓園或是神殿會發現這樣的別針。
◎ 古風時期
在色薩利的Kalydon的阿耳忒彌斯神廟The Sanctuary of Artemis Laphria所挖掘到的小銅雕,中間有小胸部的雕像是阿耳忒彌斯。西元前8世紀。
Thessaly, Pheres
Sanctuary of Zeus Thaulios and Artemis Enodia
The sanctuary of Zeus Thaulios and Artemis Enodia at Pheres (modern Velestino) in Thessaly was a very important local sanctuary. Especially Artemis Enodia or Pheraia occupied an important place in the religious life of the lower classes.
The finds from the sanctuary cover the period the 11th to the early 4th c. BC and most of the date to the late 8th and early 7th c. BA. They are mainly vases and figurines of humans and animals (horses, roe deer etc.) The most impressive items however in terms of their numbers and variety of types are the jewellery and especially the pendants, which have a suspension hole or ring. The most characteristic of these have figures of birds, cocks, etc., set on discs or intergral openwork bases of different shapes. Many types are known not only in Thessaly, where they were local, but also in graves, are mainly part of women's accessories and adorned the neck, the breast or the belt. Largy fibulae, particulary of the type with globes on the bow, where made as votive offerings. but they were possibly worn on festive occasions as well. The dedication of pieces of jewellery to the deities was an act of great significance, since they were highly personal favourite objects.
Sparta Sanctuary of Athena Chalkioikos, Gorgon's head, attachment or device. Late 6th c. BC
Acquisition from Andritsaina area, product of confiscation, Figurine of Hermes carrying a ram. About 550 BC.
Βronze bust of a griffin獅鷲, from Olympia. 7th c. BC.
The bust, together with similar features, crowned the shoulder of a dedicatory cauldron. The inlaid eyes are rendered in a different material. This type of cauldron was imported from the east in the 8th cent., probably via Samos, since such cauldrons were also manufactured there in large numbers until the 7th cent. B.C. These busts were originally produced by hammering and were later produced by casting. The griffins, mythological creatures of composite nature, were thought to guard the treasures of the Arimasps, a mythical race of the north. They were later associated with the cult of the dead.
Sanctuary of Olympia 從奧林匹亞神殿挖掘出來的銅器。
◎ 鏡子和衛生用品
中間是銅鏡,年代為西元前450年。Mirrors supported by female figure wearing a heavy tunic. Argive workshop. About 450 BC.
◎ 關於音樂和跳舞的銅器
右圖:Circular dance of female figures. Eleian workshop. Possibly 9th c. BC. Sanctuary of Olympia 出自奧林匹亞神殿,年代西元前9世紀,是一群圍著圈圈跳舞的女生。左邊那是一種古樂器叫作Sistrum一種響板,是從古埃及傳過來的,是祭祀Isis女神的時候的禮器。
左上的小雕像是來自於雅典的海神波賽頓,年代是西元第二世紀。這是仿造西元前四世紀的雕刻家Lysippos of Sicyon的作品。
◎ 馬車與馬具
Soles of sandals, probably women's with thick iron nails on the periphery. After the 3rd c. BC 古代人竟然用銅當涼鞋底,而且還是女鞋,年代為西元前第三世紀。
◎ 陶瓶及小物件展覽廳包含 Stathatos夫人館
Stathatos夫人館在41室,這個特別展廳裡展出有1000件,都是由Stathatos夫人和先生捐出來,主要為飾品還有一些金屬物件和陶器。年代從青銅時期中期到後拜占庭時期。裡面最重要的展示品室希臘化時期的金飾,來自於Karpenissi and Thessaly。
Stathatos夫人叫作 Helen Stathatos (Alexandreia 1887- Athens 1982),出生於有錢的商人家庭,後來嫁給商人Antonios Stathatos。夫人很喜歡古希臘的藝術品,所以收藏許多很有價值的骨董首飾。她很大方地把她的收藏品捐給雅典國家考古博物館,而且繼續捐贈並且與博物館合作。
左圖用金頭冠,年代為西元前四世紀後。Golden wreath with ivy leaves. End of 4th c. B.C.
上: Belt elaborately decorated with various flowers and fruit. between which caterpillars, bees, birds, dolphins. Gold, garnets, polychrome enamel, glass, cornelian. 2nd c. BC.
下: Belt with a Herakles knot decorated with tendrils, flowers and doves. Gold, emeralds and enamel. End of 3rd/beginning of 2nd c. BC.
Golden head-dress with relief protome of Artemis. From Thessaly. 3rd c. B.C. 金頭飾,上面的雕刻是阿爾忒彌斯,西元前3世紀。