1. copycat n. 抄襲者
2. catwalk n. 貓步,狹窄步道,伸展台
3. catnap n. 假寐,打瞌睡
4. cat's paw n. 工具人
5. cat around phr. 尋歡作樂, 尋花問柳
6. run around like a scalded cat phr. 四處奔忙
7. cat burglar n. 飛賊
8. cat pajamas phr. 美好的事
9. cat and dog life phr.爭吵不休的生活(尤指夫妻之間不和睦)
10. rain cats and dogs phr. 下傾盆大雨
11. CAT scanner phr. 電腦斷層掃描裝置;電腦分層攝影機 CAT是縮寫,管他也納入好了
12. cat's-eye n. 貓眼石;貓兒眼;反光燈(裝在路上之夜間反射裝置)
13. cat's cradle phr. 指事情很複雜棘手
14. A cat in gloves catches no mice. (諺) 驚驚袂著等
15. A cat may look at a king. (諺) 貓也有權晉見國王,乞丐也能見皇帝意人人平等。
16. A cat has nine lives. (諺) 貓有九條命很耐命。
17. All cats are grey in the dark. (諺) 暗中難分丑妍
18. as weak as a kitten phr. 身體十分虛弱
19. enough to make a cat laugh phr. 極其好笑; 讓人笑掉大牙
20. enough to make a cat speak phr. 事出突然
21. fat cat n. 有錢有勢的人
22. Has the cat got your tongue? phr. 說不出話來
23. let the cat out of the bag phr. 說溜嘴
24. like a cat on hot bricks(tin roof) phr. 侷促不安, 如熱鍋上的螞蟻
25. live like cat and dog phr. 吵吵鬧鬧
26. old cat(bat) n. 脾氣壞的老婦人
27. see how the cat jumps (=wait for the cat to jump) phr. 隨機應變
28. That's like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl. (phr.)開門揖盗
29. The cat did it. [口謔]是貓攻破的; 不是我搞的。
30. The cat jumps. [口]形勢明白了。
31. That cat won't jump. (口) 建議行不通
32. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. [諺]掩耳盜鈴; 貓偷吃奶油的時候, 總是閉著眼睛。
33. The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet. 貓兒念吃魚, 又怕濕了腳,意謂不入虎穴焉得虎子。
34. The scalded cat fears cold water. [諺] 被燙過的貓, 連热火也怕(一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草繩)
35. Watch sb. as a cat watches a mouse. 像貓盯耗子般盯著。
36. When the cat's away, the mice will play. [諺] 山中無老虎,猴子稱大王
37. a scaredy-cat n. 膽小鬼
38. (as) conceited as a barber's cat phr. 非常自戀
39. nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (phr.) 非常緊張
40. cat's meow n.出色的人物,受推崇的人物
41. Curiosity killed the cat. (諺) 好奇傷身
42. dead cat bounce phr.「死貓反彈」(股市行話,即指股價在長期下跌後,短時間內迅速反彈,然後繼續下跌的情況)
43. Dog my cats! (phr.) 見鬼,該死!我敢賭咒
44. grin like a Cheshire cat (phr.) 常常無緣無故地傻笑
45. hellcat n. 悍婦;巫婆
46. Keep no more cats than will catch mice. (諺) 要精打細算
47. like herding cats phr. 很難駕馭
48. like the cat that got the cream phr. 非常開心滿意
49. like the cat that swallowed the canary phr. 非常自得意滿
50. look like something the cat brought/dragged in phr. 看起來很邋遢
51. alley cat n. 浪蕩女子
52. tomcat n. 【俚】(為獲得性滿足而)到處找女人鬼混的男子
53. not have a cat in hell's chance phr. 機會渺茫
54. no room to swing a cat phr. 空間很小
55. play cat and mouse with ph.【口】對對...搞貓捉老鼠的把戲; 對...欲擒故縱
56. cat's whiskers n. 很拔尖
57. to purr like a cat (phr.) 指(引擎等)運作順暢
58. pussyfoot around (phr.) 非常小心翼翼
59. There is more than one way to skin a cat. (諺) 還有別的方法可行
60. bell the cat (phr.) 行不可行的任務
61. to have kittens (phr.) 非常擔心焦慮
62. to put a cat among the pigeons (phr.) 造成騷動不安
63. to turn the cat in the pan (phr.) 背叛
64. Walk like a cat on eggs. (諺) 非常小心翼翼
65. Wanton kittens make sober cats. (諺) 年少輕狂年長穩重
66. (as) black as a stack of black cats (phr.) 黑壓壓一片
67. a dead cat on the line phr. 有糟糕的事物發生的情況
68. a kick at the cat (phr.) 有機會 (加拿大用語)
69. cat in the sack (phr.) 有詐
70. cat piss (n.) 劣質酒
71. catcall n. 不滿之聲,噓聲發噓聲 v. 男性對女性吹口哨
72. feel as if a cat has kittened in (one's) mouth (phr.) 嚴重宿醉有口臭
73. Don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you. (諺) 老虎不發威,當我病貓
74. higher than a cat's back (phr.)很昂貴
75. mad enough to kick a cat (phr.) 怒到敢踢貓
76. sling the cat (Sl.) 吐
77. shoot the cat (Sl.) 吐得很兇
78. a face like a cat's arse (Sl.)滿臉不願
79. cat in the meal-tub (Sl.)突襲
80. cat-soup (Sl.) 番茄醬
81. have other cats to whip (phr.)有別的事情要做
82. pace around hot porridge like a cat (phr.) 拐彎抹角地說; 東拉西扯;旁敲側擊, 繞圈子
83. want to know the ins-and-outs of a cat's arse (Sl.)非常好奇
84. cat ice n. 薄冰
85. like a cat in a strange garret (phr.) 非常膽怯
86. live under the cat's foot (phr.) 妻管嚴
87. top cat (n.) 掌權人