1. Kudos to you. 幹得好

2.  kudos 【口】名聲;威信

3.  a fate worse than death phr. 【謔】極不愉快的經歷, 活受罪

4. take effect phr. 實施; 實行; 起作用

5. way to go phr. 作得好 ! 幹得好 

6. jerrycan n. 四方形油罐[五加侖裝]

7. pinpoint v. 準確地確定(位置,範圍,性質,程度等)

8. be in good hands phr. (得到)妥善照顧

9. get on with phr. (後尤接副詞或用於疑問句的how之後)取得進展

10. feeding trough n. 飼料槽;飲水槽

11. stopwatch n. 秒表,碼表

12. totem n. 圖騰形像

13. shepherd's staff 牧羊人的權杖

14. have a row phr. 吵架

15. facilitate v. 使容易,促進;幫助

16. crack jokes phr. 講笑話

17. render v. 提出;呈報;匯報

18. deft v. 靈巧的,熟練的,機敏的

19. scavenger n. 清掃工,食腐動物,拾荒者;對骯髒事物有嗜趣者

20. barbaric adj. 半開化的;半開化部落民的;野蠻的

21. stint v. 限制;節制[(+of)]

22. get one's geek on phr. 

a) engaging in activities that display techie passion (techie being all things technological, real or fictional)

b) demonstrating true techie prowess

23. rub off on

24. That's rich coming from you.

a) A smart-arse way to say someone is hypocrite

b) It is used to counter-strike someone's criticism, when you think they're just as bad

25. dismantle v. 拆卸,拆開;解散

26. literally adj. 實在地,不加誇張地


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