前7000 定居
前3100-前2100 米諾斯文明前期(EMI,II,III)
前2100-前1700 米諾斯文明中期(MMI,II,III)= 古宮殿時代
前1700- 前1420米諾斯文明晚期(LMI,II,III)=新宮殿時代
前1420- 前1050 邁錫尼時期
Two cups and a bridge-spouted jar with relief decoration depicting felines among rocks and trees, and a marine landscape with crabs and seashells. Applied relief ornament of a sphinx with a feline body and the head of a woman from a vessel. This is one of the earliest depictions in Crete of this imaginary creature from the East. The jug with a relief medallion bearing an ape also indicates Eastern and Egyptian influences. Malia, Quartier Mu, 1800-1700 BC.
這二個花俏的陶瓶上面的浮雕有海洋和森林的意象。出土於Malia, Quartier Mu,西元前1800-1700年。
Clay female and male figurines in an attitude of worship. Chamezi, 1900-1700 BC.
陶人在祭拜,Chamezi, 西元前1900-1700年
Bronze tripod cooking pots. Clay tripod fruit-stands with a particularly decorative white floral and foliate composition and basin-strainer with drainage hole for the collected liquid. Malia, Quartier M, 1800-1700 BC.
三腳銅鍋和三腳水果陶盤,出土於Malia, Quartier M,西元前1800-1700年。
Group of clay animal figurines, a ritual offering to a domestic shrine, and clay vessels. Galatas, 1900-1800 BC.
Clay utensil with holes, probably used for food processing, such as crushing culinary. Kamares cave, 1900-1700 BC.
古代就知道把陶盆打洞當作食物調理機,出土於Kamares Cave,西元前1900-1700年。
Unusual kernos with three rounded vessels and base with double-axe-shaped incisions. Burial vessels of various shapes and sizes with relief and painted white and brown decoration. Archanes Phourni, 2100-1900 BC.
造型不尋常的陶器,稱作kernos是一種托盤上會有好幾個小杯,裡面可以放供品,出土於Archanes Phourni,西元前2100-1900年。
Clay sistrum, a model of a bronze percussion instrument. The sistrum, which originated in Egypt, first appeared in Crete during the Protopalatial period.Bell-shaped figurine, clay model of a ritual mask. Archanes Phourni, 2100-1900 BC.
右邊看起來很像幼兒玩具的東西叫做叉鈴,源自於埃及,是古埃及祭拜Isis艾塞絲,生育和繁榮女神所使用的樂器,表示米諾斯文明時期就與古埃及互通有無,甚至將古埃及的文化傳入克里特島。左邊像鐘的東西是一個祭典用的面具。出土於Archanes Phourni,西元前2100-1900年。
◎ 鎮館之寶:蜜蜂墜子(展示廳I-III)
The Bee Pendant
This famous gold ornament from Malia is a pectoral pendant consisting of two bees depositing a drop of honey in their honeycomb. They are holding the round, granulated honeycomb between their legs and the drop of honey in their mouths. One their heads is a filigree cage containing a gold bead, while small discs hang from their wings and the sting. This is a true masterpiece of the jeweller's art, combining repousse, granulated, filigree and incised decoration. Malia, Chrysolakkos necropolis, 1800-1700 BC.
這個細緻的黃金打造的墜子出土於Malia的Chrysolakkos necropolis衛城,米諾斯文化三個重要的皇宮分別是 Knossos克諾索,Faistos還有Malia。我買的旅遊書只有介紹克諾索,也是最有名氣的,所以隔天我就搭公車去那邊,不過到現場考古區能看的東西不多,不如多花一點時間留在博物館就好,因為好東西全都搬來這裡放了。
The First Palaces
The Emergence of Palatial Societies
Elaborate building complexes, known as the First or Old Palaces, were established at the centre of the large towns which emerged at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC.
Parts of these early complexes, buried under the later new palaces have been identified and partially excavated at Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Petras. They include dining areas, large assembly and ceremonial halls, storerooms and a central court.
Polychrome Kamares Ware vessels were used in palace banquets and attest the opulent lifestyle of the palatial ruling class through their quality, quantity and astounding decorative variety. Gold-sheathed luxury weapons, sceptres of authority, and precious jewellery also functional symbolically, stressing the social status, power and prestige of the palatial elite.
Writing was adopted to record goods, and complex sealing methods were develped, to ensure conformity of commercial transactions with the guarantee of the palatial administration.
Society was structured hieratchically, and skills and activities were differentiated. Figures weaving on looms, potters and hunters are depicted on seals while images of sailing ships reveal the presence of mariners.
Figurines, ornate offering vessels and the remains of anumal sacrifices show that cult took place in palatial and domestic contexts. The Old palaces were destroyed by fire circa 1700 BC.
這一區所展示的文物是米諾斯文化的皇宮精華區,旁邊的說明牌我拍了照也一一打字下來,不過上面有打錯字,所以我大致翻譯說這些米諾斯時期的皇宮共有四個地方,除了Knossos, Phaistos, Malia 還有一個Petras,這些從皇宮挖掘出來的文物在質與量和精緻度上看得出來與一般平民老百姓所用的器具是不同的,在在顯現這是個社會階級制度分明的文明,文字的紀載會記錄在陶器上和印璽上,表示當時的海上交易很發達,貨運的輸送往來也都依靠文字的記載。挖掘出來的祭祀文物得知米諾斯文明有動物祭祀,而且禮器繁複精緻,但是這個米諾斯文化卻在西元前1700年因為大火而燒毀殆盡。
Burial vessels of various shapes combining relief and painted, polychrome or white, decoration. Hagia Triada, 1900-1700 BC.
陪葬陶器出土於Hagia Triada西元前1900-1700年。
Three prepalatial bones seals bear pictograms of the so-called Archanes Script(1900BC). The largest seal, from Archanes Phourni, also bears representational images on its fourteen sealing surfaces, such as a man with a basket, the palm of a hand, a leg, animals and a sistrum. The other two seals from Moni Odigitria and Gouves, and the clay sealing from Knossos, attest the use of this script in the Protopalatial period.
西元前1900年米諾斯文明所發展的文字叫做Archanes Script,不知道是不是就是線性文字A。
Clay model of a wooden litter with a seat inside for carrying an important individual. In Egypt, similar wooden litters with a throne were used to transport statues of deities and of the Pharaoh in porcessions and ritual displays. Knossos, 1700-1600BC. Small faience jug covered with gold leaf, and cup with gold branch and traces of fire. Knossos, 1700-1600 BC.
Bull-shaped rhyta for liquid offerings. Phaistos, 1800-1700 BC.
Rhyta或Rhyton是古希臘的一種角狀杯用來飲酒的容器,可能是動物角金屬或是由陶所製。這個整隻牛的杯子實在太可愛了。出土於四個皇宮之一Phaistos,西元前1800-1700 BC.
Ritual vessels with elaborate decoration, rhyton with a flower-shaped mouth, animal-shaped rhrton and a small jug decorated with figures in an attitude of worship, Phaistos, 1800-1700 BC
Three clay rhyta for libations with painted and relief decoration of dots and medallion with relief of a wild-goat. Phaistos, 1800-1700 BC.
◎ Kamares Ware
Palatial Pottery. Kamares Ware
The famous Kamares Ware, one of the most famous ornamental styles in the history of pottery, is named after the Kamares Cave where the vessels were first found. These are luxury vessels produced by palace workshops, mainly those of Phaistos and Knossos(1900-1700 BC.)
Their multiformity and innovative polychrome decoration are accompanied by high craftsmanship, as we can see from the finely made "eggshell" cups. The original and elaborate new shapes are combined with impressive decoration of white and red, purple or orange on black, forming inexhaustible combinations of motifs. Spirals and whorls, rosettes and tassels, petals and shoots, swirl, radiate and circle across the vessels, making each one unique. On some early Kamares pots the decoration is applied to a raised surface, while applied elements are added to some examples of the mature phase.
Kamares Ware, much sought-after both in Crete and outside it, was a luxury product of the Minoan export trade, found throughout the Mediterranean, from the Cyclades and the Pelopennese to Cyprus, Egypt and Syro-Palestine.
我是覺得這二個器皿看起來有點噁心,大概當時覺得點泥漿讓表面突起是陶藝界的新發現吧,加上凹陷和泥條,然後彩繪燒製。不過細看說明,這種陶器工法可有名的很,叫做Kamares Ware,Kamares是一個洞穴,也就這些陶器最先挖掘到的地方,因為這些花俏的陶器太特別因此都稱為Kamares Ware,這些陶器為傑出的工匠所製,多半供應給Phaistos和Knossos的皇宮御用。而後這些陶器之後也有貿易出口,在地中海其他區域到埃及和以色列巴勒斯坦都有發現到蹤跡。
更多花俏的陶瓶陶甕這些都是出自於 Phaistos的皇宮。
Luxury Kamares vessels from the palace of Phaistos. They still preserve intact the colours of their complex polychrome decoration. Ewers, fruit-stands, cups, amphorae, "teapots", vessels with elaborate spout, bird-shaped vessel and vase depicting a donkey. Phaistos, 1800-1650 BC
這一個展示廳所展示的大多是Kamares Ware的陶器。出自於Phaistos皇宮,西元前1800-1650年,經過這麼多年,挖掘出土後這些陶器的顏色依然保持這樣鮮豔的顏色,工匠的高度燒窯技術配上當時運用的釉料和顏料,顏色絲毫不受時間的影響,但是中國秦俑上的顏料不是燒出來的,一旦出土顏色都褪了。
Male and female figurines from the Petsofas Peak Sanctuary. They are well made and richly painted. Some male figurines bear a dagger at the waist, indicating rank or bravery. The female figurines wear tall hats and high-collared bodices. Models of human limbs were also found, probably votive offerings made by worshippers requesting healing. 1900-1700BC.
這些陶偶發現於Petsofas Peak聖殿,稱不上細緻但是都有到位,例如有戰士配匕首來表示身分,女性則是戴高帽穿著高領的衣裙,比較特別的只有四肢的部分,猜測是用來乞求那個部分健康之類的。西元前1900-1700年。
Rock models, some with attached animal figurines, probably parts of three dimensional compositions of mountainous landscapes, 1900-1800 BC
◎ 前1700- 前1420米諾斯文明晚期(LMI,II,III)=新宮殿時代的陶器
Double jug with strainer decorated with lilies and appliqued birds on the rim. Knossos, 1500-1450 BC.
Utilitarian and ritual vessels of various shapes decorated with Floral style motifs, spirals, double axes, figure-of-eight shields and scale pattern. Knossos palace and houses, 1500-1450 BC.
進入米諾斯文明的晚期,這時候的陶器與Kamares Ware的風格不一樣,似乎又回歸簡約風。
Cylindrical stand for a clay offering vessel with relief decoration of dolphins and seashellsm and other vases of the early Neopalatial period. Phaistos-palace, 1700-1600 BC.
Clay model horns of consecration and fragments of ritual vessels with relief bull and feline, Malia, 1600-1450 BC.
Small jars, jugs and cups with floral decoration, double axes, figure-of-eight shields and geometrised motifs. Tripod altar of painted plaster. Archanes-palatial building, 1600-1450 BC.
Strangely shaped amphoras imitating Egyptian prototypes. Archanes-palatial building, 1600-1450 BC.
我記得我在土耳其的博物館也看過公牛頭,公牛的意象似乎在古西方文化不斷出現,到底代表的是甚麼意義?維基百科的Sacred Bull給了我答案。美索不達米亞二河流域文明開始公牛便是神聖的神祉,而在米諾斯文化公牛頭和角便是代表米諾斯的皇宮,而且他們有個重要的儀式就是男女會有bull-leaping的跳跨公牛的動作。
Elaborately decorated large jars have been found in the Minoan palaces, urban houses and peripheral centres. They were used to store and transport liquid commodities such as wine and olive oil. Their decoration with religious symbols, such as double axes and bucrania, and other characteristic themes, such as the octopus, inspired by the Marine Styple, made these vessels valuable disply objects.
Conical porphyry rhyton and two ritual vessels. Gournia, 1500-1450 BC.
Two clay wildcat heads, one from a rhyton. Palaikastro, 1500-1450 BC.
Imported Egyptian objects and Cretan imitations: stone miniature jars, cylindrical ointment jar, alabaster(雪花膏大理石) vessel in the shape of a pregnant woman and clay figuriens in the shape of cats' heads, an animal beloved of the Egyptians. Palaikastro, Knossos, Poros-Trypiti, Gournia, Zakros, 1700-1450 BC.