●皇家公寓Royal Apartment
●Portrait of Pelagia Potocka (1775-1846)
整個皇家博物館已經變成國家博物館,牆上的許多畫作大概看個三天三夜也看不完。我從官網的照片看到這一張圖,可見是一幅重要的畫作,當中的人物是Pélagie Sapieżyna-Potocka,也就是波蘭公主Pelagia Potocka (1775-1846)由法國畫家伊莉莎白·維傑·勒布倫Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, 1794所畫。
●皇寢The King's Bedroom
●舊晉見廳 Old Audience Chamber
Designed by the court architect Domenico Merlini the room was used for audiences until the Throne Room was ready. The paintings above the doors by Marcello Bacciarelli are artistic representations of four royal virtues: Fortitude, Prudence, Faith, and Justice. It was also Bacciarelli who painted the ceiling allegory depicting the Flourishing of Arts, Sciences, Agriculture and Trade during the reign of Stanislaw August.
●Canaletto Room
This is the most important of all the anterooms, leading to the Old Audience Chamber, designed by Domenico Merlini and completed in 1777. The final touch came from the famous Venetian artist, Bernard Bellotto, also known as Canaletto. He was, commissioned by Stanislaw August to paint a series of 22 Warsaw street scenes and a canvas showing the King’s election. Despite numerous removals-by Napoleon’s officials, in 1807 (4 canvases); by order of Emperor Nicholas I o Russia, in 1832 (the whole series); by the German authorities, in 1939 (the whole series) – all the paintings have survived. They were retrieved in the after-war period and reinstalled in the Castle in 1984.
● The Officer's Room
Under King Stanislaw August, this was the guard-room used by the officers of the Crown Horse Guards. When royal audiences took place in the Old Audience Chamber, it also served as a second antechamber. The statue of Marsyas by Andre Le Brun is part pf the original fitments of the 18th century castle. The five paintings o arcadian scenes are by the 18th century Dutch painter Jurriaan Andriessen.
● Hall of Crown Horse Guards
This was where the royal guards saluted the visitors heading for the Old Audience Chamber. Both the Hall and the Grand Staircase leading to it were redesigned after the fire of the Castle in 1767 by Jakub Fontana who gave them a neoclassical touch thus creating one of the first neoclassical interiors in Warsaw.
● The Grand Staircase
●王子的住所 Prince Stanislaw's Apartment
The apartment comprises four rooms including the Four Seasons Gallery, the adjacent Antechamber, the Drawing Room and the Study. It was originally intended for the king’s nephew, Prince Stanislaw Poniatowski, the Grand Treasurer of Lithuania. In the days of the Duchy of Warsaw(1807-1815), it was occupied by Maria Augusta, the daughter of Frederick August, King of Saxony and Prince of the Duchy of Warsaw. Later on, the rooms became part of the apartment of the Russian viceroys and governors-general for the Congress Poland. In the years 1926-1939, this apartment was used by Ignacy Moscocki, the president of the Republic of Poland, who had his study and his audience room here.
●The New Deputies' Chamber
The Chamber of the lower house of the Sejm (the parliament of Poland) from the mid-17th century to 1792, reconstructed according to an inventory drawing from c.1740 kept in the National Archive in Dresden. Above the doors-painted maps of the Kingdom of Poland and of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as well as allegories of War and Peace. The huge painting by Johann Samuel Mock depicts a military review of the Polish, Saxon and Lithuanian troops outside Warsaw in 1732. The walls are hung with portraits of the highest 18th century military commanders as well as of the Polish Kings: August II and August III and their wives.
●Gallery of Porcelain
●韋廷畫廊The Wettin Gallery
韋廷畫廊是一個以 18 世紀上半葉皇家或貴族沙龍風格裝飾的房間。藝術品和家具都帶有當時主流藝術風格的標誌:洛可可和攝政風格。
房間裡的原始家具是專門為這次展覽從巴黎、馬德里和摩德納的古董店購買的。其中最引人注目的是一套帶有精美雕刻鍍金框架的意大利控制台和鏡子,以及帶有保存完好的原始青銅器的巴黎石棺鑲嵌箱。桌面上陳列著奧古斯都三世收藏的古董花瓶,這些花瓶是 20 世紀 70 年代由東德政府捐贈的。
這套路易十五風格的「Radziwiłł」座椅上覆蓋著 18 世紀的畫布刺繡,描繪了神話和寓言人物場景,例如阿波羅和繆斯女神。
房間的牆壁上掛滿了畫作,主要是統治者和王室成員的肖像,也有宮廷生活的場景。大部分作品來自Andrzej Ciechanowiecki 的收藏。
●Presidential Rooms
●Senatorial Hall
The Senators' Hall is one of the most magnificent rooms in the Castle. The Constitution was adopted on May 3, 1791. After the fall of the November Uprising, the decoration of the hall was destroyed. Currently, it has been rebuilt based on drawings showing the appearance of this room before the destruction. The royal armchair and fragments of the decoration of the back room and the throne canopy are original. The decoration of the throne was reconstructed according to the design of Andrzej Grzybowski, and the painting decoration of the room was made by Andrzej Bertrandt. The arrangement of armchairs and chairs for senators and ministers was recreated strictly in accordance with the applicable ceremonial of the Polish Parliament.
●Rejtan – the Fall of Poland 波蘭之落
Painted in 1866, the picture shows what Matejko thought were the reasons for the fall of the Polish State at the end of the 18th century.
Tadeusz Rejtan’s protest relates to the first partition of Poland in 1772. In the following year, the Sejm ratified the partition which had been effected by Russia, Prussia and Austria. A few envoys, under the leadership of Tadeusz Rejtan, protested against the opening of the parliamentary proceedings. The crucial moment came on 21 April 1773, when Rejtan tried to stop some of the parliamentarians in the Deputies’ Chamber by barricading the door with his body. Both Rejtan and his theatrical gesture have become symbols of self-sacrificing patriotism.
●The Constitution of 3 May 1791 憲法頒布
The painting depicts King Stanislaw August, members of Parliament with the Marshall of the Sejm, Stanislaw Malachowski, and crowds of Wasaw inhabitants making their way towards St. John’s Collegiate Church, in order to swear in the new Constitution. The Constitution of 3 May 1791, the first modern European statute regulating the system of government, transformed the political system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The events took place in the Senate Chamber of the Royal Castle. Matejko, however, chose the street of the old town to portray the scene, thus transforming a constitutional theme into a panoramic view of the country at the end of the 18th century. Painted in 1891 to mark the 100th anniversary of the passing of the Constitution, the picture was Matekjo’s gift to the nation and was be bedeck the walls of the Royal Castel once independence was regained.
●Stefan Batory at Pskov
The painting generalizes the events of the Polish-Russian war over Livonia(Latvia), waged between 1579-1582. During the wae, King Stefan Batory received the envoys of Tsar Ivan IV of Russia (Ivan the Terrible) on several occasions. He also accepted the surrender of the Russian commanders of the fortress which he had captured. According to the peace Treaty of Yam Zapolski () Livonia was restored to the Polish Commonwealth and Russian expansion in the Baltic was halted for over one hundred years. In Matejko’s opinion, Batory’s campaigns were a symbol of wasted victory.