
自從上個月在HBO看了湯姆漢克斯演的Charlie Wilson's War蓋世奇才,這首Angel of the Morning好像單曲CD不斷在我腦海反覆播放,畫面還會加上電影中性感的Emily Blunt只穿著一件襯衫跑到湯姆漢克斯的家勾引他,性感的哼唱這首歌。我一看這個深髮美女覺得面熟但是一直想不起來是誰,後來發現好像就是「穿著Prada的惡魔」裡面那個勢力眼又很倒楣的秘書Emily,孤狗一下果真是這位英國女星,只不過在這一片中還特別改掉英國腔,而且還變美了呢!至於原本是麻雀變鳳凰的美麗甜心茱莉亞勞勃茲在本片中飾演那位臨門一腳的有錢貴婦,一陣子沒看到她這回出現老態龍鍾還有整型失敗的標準示範,看了真是心有不忍,可真是歲月催人老。


Angel of the Morning

There'll be no strings to bind your hands
Not if my love can't bind your heart.
And there's no need to take a stand
For it was I who chose to start.
I see no need to take me home,
I'm old enough to face the dawn.

Just call me angel of the morning Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning Angel
Then slowly turn away from me.

Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow.
If morning's echo says we've sinned,
Well, it was what I wanted now.
And if we're the victims of the night,
I won't be blinded by the light.

Just call me angel of the morning Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning Angel
Then slowly turn away,
I won't beg you to stay with me
Through the tears of the day,
Of the years, baby baby baby.

Just call me angel of the morning Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

    創作者 amandawei111 的頭像


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